Barcelona hosts a new Young Entrepreneurs Succeed programme’s workshop

- Autoocupació, one of the project’s partners, has organized the third program workshop in Barcelona, Spain.
- During the meeting, the partners have defined the paths that will help 1,600 young people to start and develop their own business or to find a job.
For two days, the eight partners of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed programme, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, met in Barcelona with the aim of sharing experiences and knowledge to improve the implementation of the programme.
During the meeting, the eight partners have shared the paths and objectives the beneficiaries will encounter during the programme. It is expected that 1,600 NEETs (Not in Education, nor Employed nor in Training) from Greece, Poland, Italy and Spain will receive training, coaching, access to finance and mentoring services to set up their own business or to find a job.
Autoocupació (Spain), Anka (Greece), Microfinanza (Italy) and Youth Business Poland (Poland) have presented their implementation model. This way, the partners have improved and optimized the implementation path and its impact.
During the meeting, the project partners have set the indicators to analyse the needs of the entrepreneurs, many of them in a vulnerable situation. Also, they have detected the possible gap that this target has concerning the design, implementation and delivery of financial and non-financial service. In addition, the partners have established the indicators to verify the efficiency of the current methodology and the paths implemented through the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed programme.
Different good practices have been presented to be applied during the implementation of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed programme, among them, the mentoring programme of Youth Business International, giving a value to the mentor and the entrepreneur during their mentoring relationship.
Youth Business Poland will host the fourth meeting that will be held next November in Warsaw, Poland.