Valeria Benvenuti

Valeria Benvenuti is a math enthusiast from Verona, Italy. She is intrigued by learning something new and apply it into her passions. She loves meeting new people to open her mind through different perspectives or cultures. She is a supporter of international organizations and non-profit associations: she has been volunteering for many different activities, local and abroad, and she is a member “One bridge to Idomeni” ONLUS, which supports refugee camps in the Balkans.
Working on her thesis for a Master’s degree in Economics during a 6 months internship as Business Analyst, she graduated in April 2020, in the middle of the lockdown period, ending up being unemployed with a depressed market for new opportunities: in a moment of full-time reflection, she started thinking on what she would really like to apply her studies in, and how she might become richer of useful skills.
She jumped into Microfinanza Srl website and, beyond being interested to their work, a particular activity caught her attention: she applied for a free online course in Digital Marketing, focused on the “insights” study as a method of data analysis. She wanted to deepen her knowledge on this subject, to improve the communication side by the Onlus where she is volunteering. The training is part of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!, a project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment.
Valeria was a NEET. She’s been supported through training, coaching, and mentoring services from more than 4 months now. With her mentor, she analyzed and explored several options for her career and applied for a position as junior controller for a large supermarket chain. After 3 successful interviews, she got the job, and she’s going to start this new experience in the next weeks.