Tomas Nahra

My name is Tomás Nahra Abi Samra García. I have a degree in Law and a Master’s Degree in Law. Before starting the training of “Creation and management of Microenterprises” I was developing a business idea that has become my personal entrepreneurship project and at the same time I was actively looking for a job.
Being able to understand through training how other business departments outside my sector work, through their tools and methodologies, has added an extra to my training, with which I have acquired new knowledge and skills about the business world that I did not have.
Undoubtedly, it has been essential to understand the challenges involved in the day-to-day management of the company and to have the appropriate knowledge to propose the creation and ideation of the service I intend to offer, laying the foundations of everything. It has been key to the development of the Legal Department that I intend to promote.