Silvia Alcaraz

My name is Silvia, I am 25 years old and I took the Community Manager training by Autoocupació, of YES program. I’ve done two coaching sessions in which we worked on job search tools, such as the CV and the cover letter. I didn’t hesitate to keep training during lockdown, to take advantage of the time and to perfect my professional profile.
I wanted to do this course because I realized the importance of social networks were acquiring and I wanted to be up-to-date and with the appropriate knowledge to run his own social networks, as well as those of a company. I’m very interested in the fields of advertising, cybersecurity and computer science, so I wanted to do a higher degree in computer science. I thought that this training could be a good complement in order to find a good job.
I had the opportunity to do this course and it was great for me to better understand how social media works, how to manage it properly and the importance of having a good image.
After finishing YES program I’m currently pursuing a Higher Degree in computer science and this training has helped me to strengthen my knowledge.