Rossella Lorusso

Rossella Lorusso is a young professional from Gravina (Puglia), Italy. After she graduated in Economics and Communication, with a specialization in Management and Public Economy at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in August 2020, she found herself with no job. She wanted to deepen her knowledge in the digital marketing and social media strategies sector to have a better chance to approach the field she likes most. She decided to attend a training course in Digital Marketing provided by Microfinanza Srl and the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed! program.
During the training she had the chance to deepen her knowledge on social media for strategy and business targets, and how to use them to promote a business, together with business modeling and planning.
She’s always been interested in the support of human rights, and she’d like to apply all the competencies acquired in her future job.
After the training sessions, Rossella has been supported by Microfinanza in a personalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strenghten her hard and soft skills, and providing her with the right instruments to approach the labour market.
Rossella was a NEET. She’s been supported through training, coaching, and mentoring services for months now. With her coaches and mentors, she considered several options for her career. She has decided to enroll to a PhD in Public Management and Governance at the University of Roma Tor Vergata, and she’s developing a project related to the connection between police forces corruption and economic development in the developing countries.