Michela Tondelli

Michela Tondelli is a young professional from Parma. She is a very committed person, with a deep passion about communication, social media and marketing.
During the lockdown period, due to COVID19 restrictions, she decided to attend a free online course in Digital Marketing, provided by Microfinanza Srl. The training is part of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!, a project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment.
During the training activities, Michela has participated to a competition of ideas, with the aim of planning a social media strategy for the Municipality of Savoca (Sicily). These ideas have represented a baseline for the design and the implementation of a real communication plan made by the Municipality in the following weeks.
After the training sessions, Michela has been supported by Microfinanza in apersonalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strenghten her hard and soft skills, and providing her with the instruments to approach in a more efficient and effective way the labour market.
Michela was a NEET. With her mentor, she analyzed several options for her career, and found a vocational training to attend in order to keep on learning.
She’s about to start an executive master programme in Web Marketing, Social Media & Graphic Design at the Sida Group Management Academy, and she’s working on a freelance project aimed at providing marketing and communications services to SMEs.