Marta Kulińska

Marta Kulińska is a graduate of the YES! program and today also … the owner of her own company Hellomootion, dealing with the production of video materials.
We invite you to summarize the conversation with Marta, from which you will learn more about her path to starting her own business, what her work looks like on a daily basis and what her participation in the YES program gave her! – Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!
Marta, you have recently started your own company - Hellomootion. You offer comprehensive creation of computer animations - from storyboard to post-production. Please tell me what exactly you do.
Hi! We produce video materials. Our animations are useful wherever information can be conveyed by means of a moving image.
We start the work by creating a general outline of the idea for the video. We look for inspiration and solutions, we talk about the client's needs. Then we prepare all the components - graphics, movement and sound. We come back with ready material to be embedded on the website, YouTube, advertising medium, exhibition, event screen - freedom is very large.
Please tell us about your situation before joining the program run by the Youth Business Poland Foundation.
Before joining the Youth Business Poland Program, I was at the stage of looking for an environment/place where I would like to work. In short – I wanted to verify whether I could work differently than in a full-time job.
I wanted to find a place where I could act in accordance with my own values, preferences, at my own pace and direction - it soon turned out that I could only create such a place myself.
What did participation in the YES! program give you? – Young Entrepreneurs Succeed?
Participation in the program gave me a chance to settle in topics related to running my own business. I had a chance to go through workshops on branding, sales, marketing, finance and accounting.
During the workshops there was a place to verify whether we are ready to start our own business - there was space to gain knowledge and a critical look.
The Entrepreneurship Incubator environment is a place where I met many people with a profile that I would call "business". I'm not talking about business skills (which we were just building), but about needs, aspirations and views in general. The sense of community that I felt then was uplifting and gave me a lot of energy.
What does your work look like on a daily basis?
There is no clear answer. Each day or week depends on whether we are in production or between one production and the next.
An additional factor is the volume of production. The more work, the more people involved. Depending on the above factors, I choose different roles. Sometimes I focus on teamwork and communication with the client. Other times I'm digging into the work on the animation itself.
What I try to do all the time is to look for new clients - that's never enough.
What are your future business plans?
I would like to find a person with whom I can develop a business and hire a salesperson. I once heard that you can only survive on your own - completely true. Building relationships, building a team, co-creating - this is definitely the direction for me.
You can find Marta's company here