Marco Carmignan

Marco Carmignan is a young professional from Vicenza, Italy. He is a visual storyteller with a deep passion for photograpy. After a work experience of seven years as engineer, he decided to dedicate to photography in 2018, living one year in Denmark where he graduated in Advanced Visual Storytelling. Since 2019 he’s a National Geographic Explorer. Thanks to an Early Career Grant from the National Geographic Society, Marco was able to carry out a project on the concept of home for the people who fled to Serbia from the Yugoslav conflicts in the ’90s. He’s currently working on both personal projects and commissions.
He decided to attend in April 2020, a free online course in Self-Entrepreneurship provided by Microfinanza Srl. The training is part of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!, a project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment.
After the training sessions, Marco has been supported by Microfinanza, in a personalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strenghten his hard and soft skills, and providing him with the instruments to build up his professional initiative in a more efficient and effective way.
He has already received two International Photography Awards and he was selected among the finalists for the Lucie Foundation Scholarship in photojournalism. You can check all his project and initiatives here.