Magdalena Baran

I am a food technologist, but I stand on the side of technologists who want to create recipes for products that positively affect our health, well-being, and the environment. I graduated from Food Safety and Food Technology and Human Nutrition.
After graduation, I started working in my profession and dealing with the implementation of the new systems and food quality control at a large hotel. I was very demanding regarding my work, cleanliness in the kitchen, and compliance with basic hygiene rules, including HACCP, which is a priority for me, and I do not agree to any concessions and exceptions.
At this stage in my life, I worked a lot and sacrificed a lot. At some point, I decided that I could devote as much of my energy, health, and commitment as to developing my own company. It was the first time that I felt that I could do it, make my dream come true. I quit my job and decided to produce food only from high-quality raw materials, safe, good for our health and well-being, and the production process does not hurt our environment.
I found the program when I had just an idea for my business. With no business plan, no market analysis, website, etc. During the training, I changed my idea several times. I participated in the workshops with an open mind, I did not get attached to my first idea (which I also learned during these workshops), and thanks to this and the advice I got, I created the final product that I want to produce. Conducting the survey with potential clients was helpful for me. Thanks to YBP’s team, I got a mentor after the workshop. Mariusz Frydrych is an invaluable mentor who works with me to this day. This is an excellent continuation of the program, thanks to which I do not go through all the stages of creating a business by myself, and additionally, together with a mentor, we can focus on my needs and solve specific problems.
Thanks to the YBP program, I met young entrepreneurs who struggle with the same problems and needs as me. They asked similar questions to which I was also looking for answers. Thanks to the support of the participants and the leaders, I believed in my idea, it became more real and achievable. I believed in my abilities and the possibility of achieving this goal. I recommend the Youth Business Poland foundation to everyone, which is made up of incredibly warm, helpful, and professional people that I can always count on.