Francesco Gigante

Francesco Gigante is a young professional from Taranto, in the South of Italy. He is a very committed person, extremely keen to learn, to study, and broaden his knowledge and experience in digital marketing, experiencial marketing and e-commerce. He’s passionate about food industry and cinema.
He’s studied at the University of Urbino, achieving the Bachelors’ degree in “Information, Media, and Advertising”, and after a couple of work experience as Business Communication Assistant, and Digital Marketing Intern, he decided to attend a free online course in Digital Marketing, provided by Microfinanza Srl. The training is part of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!, a project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment.
After the training sessions, Francesco has been supported by Microfinanza team, in a personalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strenghten his hard and soft skills, and providing him with the instruments to approach in a more efficient and effective way the labour market.
Francesco was a NEET. He’s been supported through training, coaching, and mentoring services from 3 months now. With his mentor, he found a vocational training to attend, and decided to keep on learning signing up for a post graduate programme in “E-Commerce and Digital Marketing Management” at Radar Academy – Business School of Management, Bari.
He’s also working on his own freelance project, “FG Marketing”, and decided to apply for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. He’s enhancing his Business Plan, and he’s keen to start his career as digital marketing and marketing manager!