Federica Martini

My name is Federica Martini, I’m 25 years old, I recently graduated in Italian literature, philology and linguistics at the University of Turin.
Which course did you attend with Microfinanza in the frame of the YES project?
I attended a course on Excel to learn the basics of the program, which I had not yet used. The course was very useful, especially as an additional skill that I am already using in this first professional experience.
Which other services have you benefited from, thanks to the YES project?
I could benefit from some coaching sessions, to learn how to present myself at a job interview. Elisa from Microfinanza took my specific case and tried to make a simulation of what my job interview at a publishing house would be like.
What are the main obstacles you are facing at this early stage of your career?
In my professional career I would like to specialize in the publishing industry, a very selected sector, the main difficulty is to get in contact with publishing houses and to pass an initial selection where many people apply. For example, Mondadori, an important Italian publishing house, receives around 800 CVs for each job offer. So the chances of working for a publishing house are very limited.
I faced this difficulty by never stopping sending CVs and applications for any position related to my profile and my professional path in a publishing house, trying to open up my possibilities towards job positions that allow me to cultivate other passions, such as writing.
What are your perspectives and your plans for the future?
At the moment I am enjoying the work I am doing, I don’t know if it will be my life’s job. I don’t think so, but who knows? It will also depend on how the situation will develop. I definitely want to continue to aspire to a position in the publishing sector or collaborations with publishing houses. So I think I won’t stop gaining experience, trying to expand my skills with a master’s degree or with specific courses.
What is your advice for people that are looking for a job?
Never stop sending CVs. Use linkedin, spend a lot of time on this platform, check all new vacancies, and apply. It is always very important to get an idea of the company or organization to which you want to apply and never stop sending applications hoping that your dream job will fall from the sky!