Cornelia Granata

Cornelia Granata is a young professional from Lodi. She has graduated in Law – Public Administration at the University of Pavia. After getting her degree, and after a post-graduate programme in Banking law, in March 2022 she decided to attend a free online course in Excel and other competencies for the labor market, provided by Microfinanza Srl. The training is part of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!, a project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment.
After the training sessions, Cornelia has been supported by Microfinanza, in a personalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strengthen her hard and soft skills, and providing her with the tools to effectively approach the labor market. Coaching and mentoring services focused on the development of a CV, cover letter, and on the job search.
Cornelia was a NEET. She’s been supported for more than 6 months now. Thanks to her determination, passion, and commitment, she was able to be engaged as a trainee at Banca d’Italia, as bank contract analyst, and she’ll now start a new chapter of her professional life, becoming a consultant at Credit Agricole!