Beatrice Devigili

Beatrice Devigili is a young project manager from Trento. She has a master’s degree in Community Psychology, and she wants to write projects focusing on the positive social impact on the community. She is passionate about communication, social media and storytelling, and keen to improve her expertise in communication strategies and social media platforms. For this reason, during the lockdown period, due to COVID-19 restrictions, she decided to attend a free online course in Digital Marketing, provided by Microfinanza Srl. The training is part of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!.
After the training sessions, Beatrice has been supported by Microfinanza in a personalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strenghten her hard and soft skills, and providing her with the instruments to approach in a more efficient and effective way the labour market.
Beatrice was a NEET. She’s been supported through training, coaching, and mentoring services for several months now. With her mentors, she considered several options for her career, and she now collaborates with a local association in Trento, and with Microfinanza itself!
She’s working on project management related activities, project proposals and design, and deepening her knowledge in project financial issues