Azzurra Vincenti

Hi all, my name is Azzurra, I live in Scontrone – Abruzzo, and I’m a young graduated in Political Sciences.
I came in touch with Microfinanza more than one year ago, when I decided to enroll at a free online training course in Digital Marketing, a very interesting topic for me, keen to learn more about the world of digital communication, and after that, at a Business Modeling and Planning course.
After the training sessions, I have been supported by Microfinanza in a personalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strenghten my hard and soft skills, and providing me with the instruments to effectively approach the labor market.
I am currently looking for a job, preferably as a secretary or administrative employee. Over the years I have acquired theoretical and practical skills that I would like to apply in a consistent work experience. My dream, however, is to become a journalist!
What I can tell to other young NEETs, is that we must not stop looking around, and never give up! Finding a suitable and satisfying job is never easy, but if we continue to train, to learn, and to inform ourselves about the opportunities available, we can grow, learn, and reach our personal and professional goals.