Andrea Patané

Andrea Patané is a young professional from Catania, Sicily. He is a very hard worker, deeply keen to study and learn new things. He’s willing to work in the event organization and management sector.
He was out of formal education or work paths, and decided to attend from April 2020 to June 2020, two free online courses in Self-Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing, provided by Microfinanza Srl. The trainings are part of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!.
After the training sessions, Andrea has been supported by Microfinanza, in a personalized coaching and mentoring path, targeted to strenghten his hard and soft skills, and providing him with the instruments to approach in a more efficient and effective way the labour market.
Andrea was a NEET. Now, he’s thinking about getting back to study, and is considering to apply for a Bachelors’ Degree at the University of Catania.
He’s also working on his own freelance project, dedicated to event and wedding planning and organization. He’s enhancing his Business Plan, and he’s keen to start his career as independent professional!