thinking space

Job placement

Important decisions in life are taken when young people transition from education to work. Traditionally, most young people only started work once they had completed their highest level of education or training, and they rarely combined education with a job. The transition has, in recent years, become more prolonged and increasingly unpredictable, with young people switching jobs more frequently and taking longer to become established in the labour market, either by choice or necessity. In the search for the right job online tools or job placement services can be useful tools to help individuals find work. This section looks at methods and approaches that support the job finding process in the online and offline world.

Thinking Space Paper No.12: Application process – how to boost online appearance

Digitization has been a long-discussed topic all over the world and especially now looking at the latest Covid-19 situation, it proves to have been a good choice for companies already involved in the prospective transformation. Having a look at the Human Resource sector and application processes, online profiles on well-known business and employment-oriented service platforms like Linked-In (international userbase) or Xing (rather seen as regional example for Germany) gain relevance and networking is nowadays happening not only on a personal, but also on a digital level. European NEETS need to be aware of this fact and raise their chances for better working perspectives through activating and thereafter boosting their online profiles.

Thinking Space Paper No.14: Profiling of NEETs: Getting it right

KIZ has many years of experience in labour market integration of (long-term) unemployed. It used the gained expertise to develop a profiling process composed of different modules. Each module covers a different topic and development stage of the participant and needs to be applied at a specific point in time to guarantee an effective support structure. The modules need to follow a strict order but can significantly vary in their duration. The following Thinking Space paper No. 14 describes the first profiling module called starting point, and provides practical support to master the first coaching session within a labour market integration programme.

Thinking Space Paper No.15: The desire-skill model: Bringing together skills and the job market

For many NEETs, overcoming unemployment means finding a job that matches their skills and interests. However, as every applicant knows, in practice this is often much harder than it might sound at the beginning. Insufficient job preparation, self-reflection and self-assessment often lead to job rejections and frustration. The desire-skill model brings together the skills and characteristics of the NEET with the requirements of the job market. This model forms the basis for further coaching and trainings in the job placement process. The desire-skill model can be used right after the profiling module starting point.

Thinking Space Number No.31: Chatiquette or how to comport in online meetings

Covid-19 – the world-wide challenge in 2020. Digital solutions were to be found for private and business meetings, networking events, conferences, webinars and more in order to stay healthy and stop the pandemic from spreading. Business etiquette is known for personal contacts but what about etiquettes for meetings in the online world? When preparing NEETs for the job market many assets need to be kept in mind. Today, job interviews often take place digitally and therefore this TSP focuses on tips to increase the chance of winning the opportunity through making a good first impression online. An overview about „chatiquette“(chat+etiquette) as well as does and don’ts of online meetings will support the preparation process.

Thinking Space Paper No.32: Lu B Mediation – Profiling

This Handbook with its learning and profiling modules has been codified by KIZ following more than twenty years of labour market support activities. Many of the supported people were NEETs, young people of the age of 18-34. They were young people with a migration or flight background, early school leavers, some had drug problems and many came from rural areas.