Munich Business school

Munich Business School ranks among the leading business schools in the German-speaking countries and is one of German’s most international universities. Munich Business School contributes to the economy and society by creating an inspiring academic environment in Munich that enables individuals to strive for entrepreneurial success while treating the people around them as well as our natural resources in a respectful and responsible manner. In a holistic approach, we encourage people to fully understand and appreciate their role in and impact on society as well as to competently apply and continuously advance their business knowledge. We provide students from all over the world with an academic and professional perspective in Germany and beyond. In collaboration with our international partner universities, we enable them to gain advanced insights into the global economy and diverse cultures. Together with our company and academia partners, we create a platform for motivated and curious individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit to connect, exchange views and learn from each other. In all of our activities, we pursue practical relevance and high quality.
Giulia Parola
Year of birth: 1990
Country: Germany (but secretly still thinking about Italy♥️)
Job: Researcher
Mission: Improving academic-practitioner relationships
Task for EEA: Co-responsible for impact assessment and other research-related tasks
Fun Fact: I am incredibly skilled at getting over my truly embarrassing social gaffes.

Wiebke Lehnert
Year of birth: 1993
Country: Germany
Job: Marketing and Communications Manager
Mission: Telling stories that reach the heart and make a difference in the mind.
Task for EEA: Responsible for project communication by Munich Business School
Fun Fact: I have been doing judo since I was 7 years old!